Blogger speaking

Heavens, I signed up to write a blog (I've never used that word), but now that I'm invited to it, it's exciting.
My name is Lida and I am 68 years old.
Before I successfully completed Dry January last year, I participated in this well-known break month 3 times before. And the first 3 times I didn't succeed. Then I was so often in conflict with myself. Then I would say in the morning: 'I won't drink tonight', and in the evening I would happily forget that.
In the period leading up to last Dry January, I woke up with a wildly beating heart every night around 3am awake. I calmed down with the help of breathing exercises. So when it came to January I signed up and I did it! I didn't drink all January.
My experience that first month of break: 2 weeks mild headache and then sometimes a headache, because I sleep so soundly. It was less with losing weight, because I didn't drink I felt so sorry that I could have a cookie or chocolate.
I left that too. Now I will continue this (fresh) line in February. With in mind:
Until next time.