Blogger speaking

At the beginning of this week there was an item on TV, for which I came out of the kitchen because I was triggered by some cries about wine. I thought it was about 0.0 wine so I had to hear this. Unfortunately, 10 minutes of posturing about so-called natural wine, with the necessary alcohol. About how unusual and actually not very tasty such an untreated wine is. I was even surprised to hear the comparison with 'horse shit'. And then a real sommelier is at the end with a heavenly expression on his face, waltzing with a glass, the contents of which most resembled unfiltered beet juice (which seems to be very healthy, by the way). Also proclaiming that we really have to try this, but that it takes at least a few bottles of practice before you can appreciate it a bit. In other words, you are encouraged on national TV to consume several bottles of alcoholic beverages, while those beverages are basically undrinkable. I dropped out and returned to the kitchen and my glass of Belvoir ginger water.
Apart from the fact that something is being promoted that probably no one is waiting for, I found it especially surprising with how much playful ease alcohol is advertised. Because commercial channel, so we can just call this advertising. Mind you, this was around 7 p.m. and then a lot of children under 18 are awake. I just didn't notice it before, but now I'm on a 4e Dry January, I see very clearly how alcohol is secretly very deeply intertwined in everyday life. Whether it's such a stupid item on TV, or the sponsorship of you name a sport, the offers and action displays with cool beanies in supermarkets or the usual 'vrijmibo', alcohol is everywhere and the makers are doing it in very devious ways. make every effort to get us to take as much of their drink as possible.
Now I am a seasoned IkPasser and, partly due to my sporting ambitions, I no longer have any difficulty in giving up alcohol. But I also read blogs from fellow Passers who are still having trouble keeping it up for a month. I have deep respect for those people in particular, because if you can resist such an alcohol craving once or more, you are really a go-getter and for me a winner! Even if you can't resist it once, but you pick up the thread afterwards, you are definitely on the right track. Oh well Linda, that last glass of Merlot didn't have to go through the sink, you can make a delicious Boeuf Bourgignon with it and then the alcohol will evaporate
The moment the newsletter with this blog appears, the real countdown has begun, only 5 days left and then 'you can go again' … But are you going again? Or did you secretly like it, such an alcohol break? If we had a challenge or problem anywhere in January, business or personal, did it get bigger and more difficult without alcohol? Would a glass of wine, beer or whiskey have made a positive contribution to solving the challenge? In my experience, problems and challenges don't go away with drinking alcohol, we just numb them and when the numbness wears off, the challenge comes back hard.
For me it is very clear after four tries, I can do without alcohol and I also find it very pleasant. And if I can pass, then anyone can, I'm convinced of that! If you are now thinking or in doubt about participating in a next challenge such as 'KortDroog 2023', you already know deep down that you can do it, you just have to want it... Wishing you all the best of luck and health and keep believing in yourself!